NIS2: Understanding the EU Directive and how it impacts your organisation

Thursday 6th of June, 9am to 11am @ the Castleknock Hotel,  Dublin, D15 WNR7

The digital landscape is constantly evolving, and the European Union is intensifying its efforts to strengthen Cyber Security across critical sectors. The NIS2 Directive, which updates the original NIS, is set to come into effect on October 17th, 2024. This revised directive raises the bar for cybersecurity standards, requiring a stronger security framework for organisations and their supply chains in sectors such as utilities, transportation, healthcare, and information and communication technology. What to expect:

  • Expert-Led Insights: Get direct insights from top experts. Our panel includes members from the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) and seasoned CISOs proficient in NIS2 compliance.
  • Actionable Strategies: Understand the specific technical mandates, obligations, and the impact on your organisation under the directive. Take away practical actions for compliance.
  • Have your Say: Participate in a dialogue with our panel experts and pose questions about your compliance process.

Availability is limited and refreshments are provided. Book your seat in this exclusive event by registering through the provided form.

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