Cyber Risk Aware, a global leader in security awareness and mitigation of human cyber risk, announced that it has been acquired by TitanHQ, a leading Irish cybersecurity SaaS business.
TitanHQ is a 20-year-old multi-award-winning cybersecurity business that protects end users in over 8,500 businesses and 2,500 MSP partners. The TitanHQ secure platform protects client users from malware, ransomware, phishing, viruses, botnets and other end user compromises.
The acquisition will further bolster Cyber Risk Aware’s ability to provide human cyber risk management and behaviour change solution to companies worldwide. The combination of intelligent, real-time security awareness training with phishing simulation and TitanHQ’s advanced email protection and DNS security solutions creates a powerful, multi-layered cybersecurity platform that secures end users from compromise. This is the go-to cybersecurity platform for IT Managed Service Providers and internal IT teams.
Stephen Burke, CEO of Cyber Risk Aware, commented: “I am incredibly proud that Cyber Risk Aware has been acquired by TitanHQ, a cybersecurity business that I have greatly admired for a long time. Today’s announcement is fantastic news for both our clients and partners. We will always be that highly innovative and customer collaborative vendor, delivering products that our clients need in mitigating human cyber risk and influencing positive behaviour change. Together, Cyber Risk Aware and TitanHQ bring a platform of innovative security solutions that address the #1 threat vector used by bad actors that cause 99% of security breaches, “End User Compromise”. When I first started Cyber Risk Aware, I aimed to be the global security awareness leader in delivering the right message, to the right user at the right time. Now as part of TitanHQ, I am more excited than ever about delivering our combined unique value proposition to market”.
“This is a fantastic addition to the TitanHQ team and solution portfolio. It allows us to add a human protection layer to our MSP Security platform, with a fantastic feature-rich solution as demonstrated by the high calibre customers using it. Stephen and his team have built a great company over the years, and we are delighted to have them join the exciting TitanHQ journey.” said TitanHQ CEO Ronan Kavanagh.
The solution is available to both new and existing customers and partners at and is now branded as SafeTitan, Security Awareness Training. Cyber Risk Aware existing clients are unaffected and will benefit from improvements in the platform in terms of phishing sims content and an exciting, innovative product roadmap.
View SafeTitan Cyber Security Awareness Training for Employees.